Issuer EMV migration
Prepare your EMV migration
Migration of magnetic stripe cards to EMV cards requires significant business and technology decisions early in the project. This is challenging when your team is new to EMV and you need field-proven EMV implementation expertise.
FIME knows EMV. We know how to implement EMV according to payment network requirements. With our EMV migration services we can help you cut through the technology learning-curve to start your implementation program on the right footing.
Streamline your EMV migration
The questions for an initial gap analysis are complex to answer without an understanding of EMV:
What is your current issuance situation?
What does your target issuance business look like?
What are your options and paths to reach the target?
We can help you cut through the technology to get your program started on the right footing.
First, your project team must know enough about EMV impacts to provide the inputs required from all corners of your business:
Cardholders, card and PIN management
Card issuance
Customer service operations
Risk, fraud, disputes and authorization policies
Transaction processing
FIME consultants facilitate the process with iterative cycles of training, audit, technical services and EMV know how. The target outcome is for you to arrive at the best choices for your situation and program requirements.
Choose FIME as your one stop shop
Why choose FIME?
Trusted EMV expertise
Expertise in major international and national payment network: American Express, CrediBanco, CUP, Discover, DNA, eftpos, JCB, MasterCard, NETS, Prosa, RuPay, Visa